Read the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter Online

Warriors: The Darkest Hour




This book is for Vicky Holmes and Matt Haslum,

who helped observe Fireheart's destiny.

Give thanks you.

Special cheers to Cherith Baldry





Rain cruel steadily, drumming on the hard black Thunderpath that…

Chapter 1

Watery shafts of light sliced through the bare trees as…


As Fireheart bounded across to Bluestar's den, Speckle tail spun…


Something was prodding Fireheart in the side. With a muffled…

Chapter 4

All was darkness and common cold. Fireheart had never been then…

Affiliate v

Firestar jolted awake in terror. He was lying in the…


Twilight was thickening the shadows nether the trees by the…

Affiliate vii

A raw, damp cold pushed its way through Firestar's fur…

Chapter 8

The snow had stopped by the time Firestar and Bramblepaw…

Chapter 9

Firestar fabricated his mode thoughtfully back into the camp. Glancing…

Affiliate 10

Sorrelkit was curled upward in a mossy nest near the…


Firestar emerged from the forest almost Sunningrocks and paused to…

Affiliate 12

Firestar paused at the top of the hollow before leading…


The squall was before long over. Firestar led his cats habitation…

Chapter xiv

"Firestar," meowed Graystripe. "I want to ask you something."


Graystripe growled deep in his throat and gathered himself to…


"No." Graystripe's voice rasped in his throat.


"Quick—the stepping-stones!" Firestar hissed.


"Disappeared?" Firestar echoed in alarm. "What happened?"

Chapter nineteen

Firestar leaped up the slope leading into WindClan territory from…

Chapter 20

The sun had begun to set over the river, turning…


Firestar woke to run into the den floor washed past the…

Affiliate 22

Dismay kept Firestar's paws rooted to the ground equally he…

Chapter 23

Firestar stared, speechless with daze, as Scourge turned away and…


When Firestar emerged from his den the following morn, the…


After they said skilful-bye to Princess, Cloudtail went off to…

Affiliate 26

Firestar wondered if the rest of his Clan had noticed…

Affiliate 27

It was the time before dawn when the moon had…

Chapter 28

The commencement faint streaks of dawn were showing as Firestar…


Firestar opened his eyes. He was lying on the grass…

Affiliate xxx

The immigration fell silent. Claret glistened on the grass as…








FIRESTAR—handsome ginger tom



WHITESTORM—big white tom


CINDERPELT—dark gray she-cat


(toms, and she-cats without kits)

DARKSTRIPE—sleek black-and-gray tabby tom


LONGTAIL—pale tabby tom, dark black stripes

MOUSEFUR—small dusky-brown she-true cat


BRACKENFUR—golden-brown tabby tom


DUSTPELT—dark brown tabby tom


SANDSTORM—pale ginger she-cat

GRAYSTRIPE—long-haired gray tom

FROSTFUR—beautiful white she-cat, blue optics

GOLDENFLOWER—pale ginger she-cat

CLOUDTAIL—long-haired white tom


(more than vi moons sometime, in training to become warriors)

THORNPAW—golden-brown tabby tom

FERNPAW—pale gray with darker flecks, she-cat, pale green eyes

ASHPAW—pale greyness with darker flecks, tom, night blue optics

BRAMBLEPAW—dark dark-brown tabby tom, amber eyes

TAWNYPAW—tortoiseshell she-cat, green eyes

LOSTFACE—white she-cat, ginger splotches


(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

WILLOWPELT—very stake greyness she-cat, unusual bluish eyes


(old warriors and queens, now retired)

ONE-Heart—pale gray she-cat, the oldest true cat in ThunderClan, virtually bullheaded and deafened

SMALLEAR—gray tom with very pocket-sized ears, the oldest tom in ThunderClan

DAPPLETAIL—once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat, lovely dappled coat

SPECKLETAIL—pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen



TIGERSTAR—big night brown tabby tom, unusually long forepart claws, formerly of ThunderClan


BLACKFOOT—large white tom, huge jet-black paws, formerly a rogue cat


RUNNINGNOSE—small greyness-and-white tom


OAKFUR—modest brown tom

LITTLECLOUD—very small tabby tom

BOULDER—skinny grayness tom, formerly a rogue cat

RUSSETFUR—night ginger she-cat, formerly a rogue cat


JAGGEDTOOTH—huge tabby tom, formerly a rogue cat

Apprentice, ROWANPAW


TALLPOPPY—long-legged lite brown tabby she-cat



TALLSTAR—black-and-white tom, very long tail


DEADFOOT—blackness tom with a twisted manus


BARKFACE—short-tailed dark-brown tom


MUDCLAW—mottled dark brown tom

WEBFOOT—dark grey tabby tom

TORNEAR—tabby tom

ONEWHISKER—brown tabby tom


RUNNINGBROOK—light gray tabby she-cat


ASHFOOT—gray she-cat

MORNINGFLOWER—tortoiseshell she-cat

WHITETAIL—small-scale white she-true cat



LEOPARDSTAR—unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat


STONEFUR—gray tom, battle-scarred ears



MUDFUR—long-haired light chocolate-brown tom


BLACKCLAW—smoky black tom

HEAVYSTEP—thickset tabby tom

Apprentice, DAWNPAW

SHADEPELT—very night gray she-cat

MISTYFOOT—nighttime gray she-cat, blue eyes


LOUDBELLY—dark brown tom


MOSSPELT—tortoiseshell she-true cat




��small blackness tom with ane white manus


Os—massive black-and-white tom


BARLEY—black-and-white tom that lives on a farm close to the forest

RAVENPAW—sleek black cat that lives on the subcontract with Barley

PRINCESS—light dark-brown tabby, distinctive white chest and paws, a kittypet

SMUDGE—plump, friendly black-and-white kittypet that lives in a house at the edge of the forest



Rain vicious steadily, drumming on the difficult blackness Thunderpath that led betwixt unending rows of rock Twoleg nests. From time to time a monster snarled past, its eyes glaring, and a single Twoleg scurried forth, huddled into its shiny pelt.

Two cats slipped silently around the corner, keeping close to the walls where the shadows were deepest. A skinny gray tom with a ragged ear and brilliant, watchful optics went first, every hair on his body slicked night with the wet.

Behind him prowled a huge tabby with massive shoulders and muscles that slid smoothly nether his rain-soaked pelt. His amber eyes glowed in the harsh lite, and his gaze shifted dorsum and forth as if he expected an attack.

He paused where the night entrance to a Twoleg nest offered a little shelter and growled, "How much farther? This place stinks."

The greyness tom glanced back. "Not far now."

"Information technology had meliorate not be." Grimacing, the dark brown tabby padded on, ears twitching irritably to moving picture away the raindrops. Harsh yellow light angled across him, and he flinched every bit a monster roared effectually the corner, throwing upwardly a wave of filthy h2o that reeked of Twoleg rubbish. The cat allow out a snarl equally the water slopped around his paws and the spray drizzled downward on his fur.

Everything about the Twolegplace disgusted him: the hard surface under his paws, the stench of monsters and the Twolegs they carried in their bellies, the unfamiliar noises, and nigh of all, the manner that he could not survive here without a guide. The tabby was not used to depending on another cat for anything. In the forest he knew every tree, every stream, every rabbit hole. He was considered the strongest and almost dangerous warrior in all the Clans. Now his sharpened skills and senses were useless. He felt equally if he were deaf, blind, and lame, reduced to post-obit his companion like a kit trailing helplessly after its mother.

But it would be worth it. The tabby'due south whiskers twitched in anticipation. He had already launched a plan that would plough his most hated enemies into helpless prey in their own territory. When the dogs attacked, no true cat would suspect that they had been lured and guided every footstep of the way. And so, if things went according to programme, this expedition into Twolegplace would give him all he had ever wanted.

The grey true cat led the mode along the path and across an open space reeking of Twoleg monsters, where a swirl of color from unnatural orange lights floated on the puddles. He stopped by the entrance to a narrow aisle and opened his jaws to draw in the scent of the air.

The tabby halted and did the aforementioned, disgustedly swiping his tongue over his lips at the stink of rotting Twoleg nutrient. "Is this the place?" he asked.

"This is information technology," the gray warrior replied tensely. "At present—remember what I told you. The true cat nosotros're going to meet holds command over many cats. We must treat him with respect."

"Boulder, take you lot forgotten who I am?" The tabby took a step frontward so that he towered over his companion.

The skinny gray cat's ears flattened. "No, Tigerstar, I haven't forgotten. Just y'all're not Association leader here."

Tigerstar grunted. "Let'south become on with it," he growled.

Bedrock turned into the aisle. He stopped curt subsequently just a few paces when a huge shape loomed up in front of them.

"Who goes there?" A broad-shouldered black and white cat stepped out of the shadows. Strong muscles were outlined nether fur plastered to his torso by the rain. "Place yourselves. We don't like strangers here."

"Greetings, Bone," the grayness warrior meowed steadily. "Remember me?"

The black-and-white cat narrowed his eyes and was silent for a few moments. "So you've come dorsum, have y'all, Boulder?" he meowed at final. "You told us you lot were going to find a ameliorate life in the forest. What are you doing here?"

He took a footstep forward, simply Boulder held his ground, unsheathing his claws confronting the uneven ground. "Nosotros want to see Scourge."

Bone let out a snort, half contempt, one-half laughter. "I can't imagine that Scourge volition desire to run across you. And who'south this with you? I don't recognize him."

"My name is Tigerstar. I've come from the woods to speak with your leader."

Bone's greenish optics flicked from Tigerstar to Boulder and back again. "What do you want with him?" he demanded.

Tigerstar's amber gaze burned like the Twoleg lights reflected on the shining wet stones around them. "I'll discuss that with your leader, non his edge patrol."

Bone bristled and extended his claws, but Boulder quickly slipped betwixt him and Tigerstar. "Scourge needs to hear this," he insisted. "It could be to every true cat's reward."

For a few heartbeats Bone hesitated, then he stepped dorsum, allowing Boulder and Tigerstar to laissez passer. His hostile glare scorched their fur, merely he said nothing.

Now Tigerstar took the lead, treading cautiously as the light faded behind so. On either side, skinny cats were slinking behind piles of rubbish, optics gleaming equally they followed the progress of the two intruders. Tigerstar'southward muscles tensed. If this meeting went wrong, he might have to fight his way out.

A wall blocked the cease of the alley. Tigerstar stared effectually, looking for the leader of these cats of Twolegplace. He was expecting an even more than massive brute than the broad-shouldered Bone, and at showtime his gaze swept over the small blackness cat crouching in a shadowy doorway.

Bedrock gave him a nudge and jerked his head in the black cat's direction. "In that location'southward Scourge."

"That's Scourge?" Tigerstar'southward exclamation rang with atheism above the falling rain. "He's no bigger than an apprentice!"

"Shh!" Panic flared in Bedrock'southward optics. "This may not be a Clan every bit we know it, but these cats would kill if their leader ordered them to."

"It seems I have visitors." The black true cat'south voice had a brittle, high-pitched sound, like the splintering of ice. "I wasn't expecting to see yous again, Boulder. I heard you'd gone to live in the forest."

"Yes, Scourge, I have," Boulder replied.

"So what are you doing hither?" Scourge's voice held the faintest suggestion of a snarl. "Take you changed your mind and come crawling back? Do you lot expect me to welcome you?"

"No, Scourge." Bedrock held the black cat's ice-bluish gaze. "Information technology's a expert life in the woods. There is plenty of fresh-kill, no Twolegs-"

"You haven't come to extol the virtues of forest life," Scourge interrupted him with a flick of his tail. "Squirrels alive in copse, not cats." His eyes narrowed, glinting with a stake fire. "So what do you want?"

Tigerstar stepped forrad, shouldering the gray warrior aside. "I am Tigerstar, the leader of ShadowClan," he growled. "And I have a proposition for you lot."

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Watery shafts of light sliced through the bare trees as Fireheart carried his leader to her concluding resting place. With his teeth clenched firmly in her scruff, he retraced the route the dog pack had taken as the brave warriors of ThunderClan lured them to the gorge and their destruction. His whole body felt north u m b, and his head spun with the terrible realization that Bluestar was dead.

Without his leader, the forest itself seemed different, even stranger to Fireheart than the day he had first ventured into it equally a kittypet. No thing was real; he felt as if the trees and rocks could dissolve similar mist within a moment. A vast, unnatural silence covered everything. With the rational role of his mind Fireheart realized that all the prey had been scared away by the rampaging dog pack, but in the grip of his grief information technology seemed that even the forest w

as stunned into mourning for Bluestar.

The scene at the gorge replayed over and over in his head. He saw again the slavering jaws of the dog who led the pack, and felt its sharp teeth meet in his scruff. He remembered how Bluestar had appeared out of nowhere, flinging herself at the canis familiaris, driving it—and herself—over the edge of the gorge and into the river. He flinched again at the icy shock of the h2o as he leaped in to rescue his drowning leader, and their hopeless struggles until ii RiverClan warriors, Mistyfoot and Stonefur, came to help then.


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